Perfusion system

Long-term perfusion of isolated brain

National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after Academician E.I. Chazov, Russia

About This Project

Friends! Supporters of radical life extension. We, enthusiasts of the fight against aging, in search of radical life extension, are developing a project to create a machine perfusion system for long-term support of life support of isolated organs, for example, the brain. We are designing and assembling a setup for this. We need help from specialists, biologists, engineers, programmers, and we need money.

What is the context of this research?

We are seeing a revolution in the use of machine perfusion for organ preservation and repair (PMC10602690). Advances in the duration of organ preservation (PMID: 38703827). A new concept of organ repair centers has been developed (PMID: 36003866). There are advances in preserving the brain in a circuit with the liver (PMID: 36003866).

This opens up the possibility of developing systems for long-term support of the viability of the head on an artificial carrier. This is especially relevant in a world where 80% of deaths occur with normal brain function preserved.

The hope for success allowed biologists, engineers, programmers, economists to form a single team to achieve the set goal. Although the task is very difficult, the road will be mastered by the one who walks it

What is the significance of this project?

This project is aimed at 3 key issues related to radical life extension.

1) It involves the development of isolated organ perfusion technology, which is an ideal platform for searching and quickly introducing regenerative medicine methods into clinical practice.

2) About 80% of deaths occur with an intact mind and head. When the body dies, it kills the personality, and transplanting the head onto an artificial carrier would allow a person to live longer.

3) A robotic body can significantly expand human capabilities, but to do this it is necessary to learn how to maintain life support for the head in such a body.

What are the goals of the project?

Our overall goal is to create a long-term life support system for an isolated head with the ability to connect to a robotic body. This phase of the project is aimed at helping to create the first working prototype that could be shown to major investors as proof of our team's ability to achieve the overall goal.


Prototype 1    $5,000

Purchase of components, consumables, ordering software. Most of the project implementation is due to the contribution of team members.

Project Timeline

At all stages, the process will be photographed and video recorded. And discussions with the search for the best technical solutions.

1 Sistem diagram.

2 Assembly of the system

3 Testing the system in different modes.

4 Experiments with a cell-free perfusion solution on isolated rat organs.

5 Connection of artificial intelligence to control the system operation to optimize the search for the optimal operating mode.

6 Automation of the process and preparation for the presentation

Jan 31, 2025

Completion and approval of the basic sistem diagram

Apr 30, 2025

Assembly of the system

May 31, 2025

Testing the system in different modes

Jun 30, 2025

Experiments with a cell-free perfusion solution on isolated rat organs.

Jul 31, 2025

Connection of artificial intelligence to control the system operation to optimize the search for the optimal operating mode

Aug 31, 2025

Automation of the process and preparation for the presentation to investors